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Beelzemon [ST14-08] [Starter Deck: Beelzemon Advanced Deck Set]

Sale price$0.50
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Set: Starter Deck: Beelzemon Advanced Deck Set
Card type: Digimon
Rarity: Super Rare
Digi type: Demon Lord/Seven Great Demon Lords
Play Cost: 12
Form: Mega
Attribute: Virus
Digivolve Cost: 4
Digivolve Cost Level: 5
[When Digivolving] Trash the top 4 cards of your deck. [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When a card is trashed from your deck, gain 1 memory for every 10 cards in your trash. [Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When a card is trashed from your deck, this Digimon gains [Security Attack +1] (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card) for the turn.

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